Active Citizenship in South Africa’s New Home: We’ve Moved to In Mzansi

Thank you so much for visiting Me in Mzansi and thank you to everyone who has been a part of this blog.

Since earlier this year, I’ve moved some of the content to a new website. In Mzansi has all the same content and values as Me in Mzansi with one crucial difference: it’s bigger and (hopefully!) better. In Mzansi looks at more varied lifestyle areas (for instance, museum-going and self-care), has more of a journalistic style, and will be featuring other writers. Of course, In Mzansi has the same emphasis on active citizenship in South Africa and how this can play out in our individual lifestyles.

Me in Mzansi will soon be closing down so I’d love for you to visit In Mzansi.

See you there!

Jenna Solomon

Me in Mzansi is about my life and how much of it is directly related to my nation. It’s just one of 56 million lives but I am sure it shares many similarities with those of my fellow South Africans: most significantly, a love for a country that we so passionately want to reach its potential.

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