Reading Africa is now a Book Club on Goodreads

This book club is based on the Reading Africa project described on Me in Mzansi. It’s a project to combat xenophobia in South Africa through pan-Africanist literature. Anyone can join (you don’t need to be South African).

The goal is to read one book from each African country! Each month, a book will be chosen from a selection and then we will discuss the book. The book should be set in that particular country and written by someone from that country. (This can be quite tricky to define but it really depends on each author’s individual relationship with that country). The book should undermine the stereotypes that Wainaina mentions in “How to Write about Africa” and Adichie talks about in “The Danger of a Single Story”.

To join the Reading Africa book club, go over to Goodreads and signup. Currently, there’s a poll on which book to read in August. There will be discussions and maybe virtual events.

Jenna Solomon

Me in Mzansi is about my life and how much of it is directly related to my nation. It’s just one of 56 million lives but I am sure it shares many similarities with those of my fellow South Africans: most significantly, a love for a country that we so passionately want to reach its potential.

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